As ever, feel free to contact Kuester with any questions. When homeowners remember that the HOA has a practical purpose, they may be keener to abide by those regulations. What we recommend to HOA Board members is reminding all homeowners why the rules exist-making it clear that they aren’t arbitrary in the least. The rules exist to protect all homeowners against lowered property values. In other words, they can actually have an adverse effect on property values. Now, some of these may sound nitpicky to you, but consider that all of these violations can have the effect of making the community seem a little sloppy, a little messy, a little less pleasant of a place to live. Owners placing prohibited signs on their property.Rules usually dictate when you can use the common area no 2 a.m pool parties how many guests you can have with you, or who can use the. Owners making home renovations that simply don’t conform with the stylistic norms or the neighborhood. Behavior rules address issues of politeness and respect some common HOA examples might include no swearing, no loud parties, and no profane music to keep the spaces welcoming for everybody.Developing rules for the sake of having rules is unnecessary. Owners who simply don’t take care of their landscaping. Reasonable Rules and Regulations Guideline for Homeowners Associations The association should make every effort to enforce rules uniformly and consistently, taking into account the consequences that may arise if this is not practiced routinely, such as warnings and fines.Owners parking boats or RVs on their front lawns or in common areas.Owners taking their trashcans to the curb too early, or leaving them there too long. HOA Education and 2022 Report Webinar (YouTube) HOAs and the Law (Webinar) Law Outlines - While South Carolina does not have a comprehensive law detailing how a homeowners association must operate, associations must follow the South Carolina Homeowners Association Act.The rules enforced by most HOAs further that goal, and are really fairly common-sense.Ĭonsider some of the most common HOA rule violations-the things most Associations struggle with the most: The basic function of any HOA is to maintain property values, and even to increase the value of homes in the community. There may also be a need to educate owners not just on what the rules state, but why they are in place.Ī lot of this comes down to better understanding the role of the HOA. First and foremost, then, the Association can clear up any ill feelings simply by making sure all owners have copies of the Association rules and regulations.

Commission for HOAs except the Uniform Common Interest Owners Bill of. This can rub people the wrong way, especially when they don’t have a clear understanding of what the HOA rules are or why they are in place. Like the Condominium Act of 2008, all of the model laws developed by the Uniform Law.

And for those who live in an HOA community, the Association itself can tell us what to do. Nobody really likes being told what to do-and yet most of us have people telling us what to do all the time.